Significantly Different Requirement (Commercial License):
The end product that you intend to sell (e.g., ebooks, printables) must be a unique creation that incorporates your own content, ideas, and design elements. The template should be a starting point, but the final product should reflect your time, effort, and skill in making it your own. The primary value of your end product should come from your original contributions, not solely from the template itself.
Time: You should spend time adding, removing, or rearranging elements, and customizing the template to fit your needs.
Effort: Your final product should reflect a reasonable amount of effort put into making it your own. This could include writing original content, combining the template with other graphics, or making significant design changes.
Skill: The process of turning the template into your final product should require some level of skill or knowledge in your field. This could be writing, design, marketing, or other relevant skills.
If you would like to use the asset as-is in a product you want to sell, you would need to purchase an Extended Commercial License.
What is an End Product?
An End Product is a product you intend to sell that is created from the templates you purchased from Willoe Studio (e.g., ebooks, workbooks, digital prints, physical books).
What is an Asset?
An Asset is a product you purchased from Willoe Studio, such as a social media template or an ebook template.
Personal and commercial use, what’s the difference?
Commercial Use is any use:
If one or more of the above is true, the use is "Commercial." Personal use is a use that is only for personal, non-commercial purposes, such as for personal projects, hobbies, or educational purposes.
If you wish to use the product for any other case not covered by the licenses, please contact: