Welcome to Willoe

Hi there! I'm Mikaela, the founder of Willoe Studio, a design studio based on the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

With over a decade of experience as a graphic designer and UI developer, I've honed my skills to craft engaging brand visuals. But I'm not just about the pretty pictures - I also have a degree in Nutrition and Food Science, allowing me to blend my passions for design and wellness.

After years of working for startups, I created Willoe Studio to provide my services to people wanting quality designs, without the hefty price tag. I specialize in high-end yet user-friendly templates for coaches and small business owners seeking to take their brands to the next level.

Contact form

I'm always happy to hear from you. Whether you have a question about my existing templates, a suggestion, or just want to say hello, this is the place to do it.

*Please note that I currently don't offer custom work or personalized design services due to my full schedule with existing projects.